from Tigerrag. this guy seems as good a person as he is a player. info like this makes me smile.
Off with your head! Shepard is going to convince at least 2 to 3 more people to come to LSU imo. McFarland, Loston. I hope
The stuff at the end makes me nervous. Frickin Jan is too long/far away! Man I hope he stays true to his decision, and not just for our RNC....:grin:
:geaux::crystal::helmet: Agree with you on that!! If "the process is over", I wonder why it's not "written in stone"? They always seem to leave the door open just a crack!:geauxtige:champs::LSU231:
it's not written in stone because something could happen before then like a coaching changes, program sanctions, etc or something else unforeseen. all of which probably won't but that's the reason LOI's don't usually happen that early.