I thought it was interesting. http://www.andthevalleyshook.com/2012/11/28/3704630/les-miles-gets-a-raise-newsflash-hes-worth-it
Interesting and insulting, miles is deserving....MOST of us know that, my problem with this article is the way some smart alec 27 year old portrays alot of the LSU fans in the first couple of lines of this article. All lsu fans are dumb, uneducated hicks.....this is a guy I would like to kick in the teeth a couple of times so that he has to speak the way he is insinuating in his first couple of lines.
I think there are more types of fans other than Satan Lovers, twenty somethings, and Miles' humpers. Congrats to Miles on the raise, guess he really had the AD over a barrel.
Yeah, that was inaccurate and unnecessary, so why he took that approach as a segway to his ranting, I don't know. He could have made the same points w/o being culturally insulting.