Don't get your shorts in a wad Grumpy. The Advocate story said nothing about the men menacing student as you stated. The story doesn't say what race or religion the men are. How do you know they are white? What you said had those additional details not reported by the Advocate. When I said you were repeating campus rumors I wasn't suggesting that you were wrong about it. Often people close to a scene know details not reported by the media. But you are so quick to take umbrage over even the slightest perceived disagreement and go into attack mode. I was in fact leaving open the possibility that you may have been right. For as long as I can remember people have gone to the levee to shoot guns. I used to do it myself though where I went was a few miles down the river from LSU. Maybe these guys were wackos. If I was in a militia group and was confronted by a cop I wouldn't up and tell him I was a soldier of fortune. I would make it an innocuous story like I was just out shooting and inadvertanly ended up near campus and then apologise so maybe I could talk my way out of going to jail. I wouldn't be outraged if the guys had been black but if they were muslims jail is too good for them. They should have been shot on sight on site.
No real surprise this is coming from Oklahoma, the state who ran out of drugs to use in carrying out the death penalty so they chose to grab whatever they could find with no regard to human decency or rights.
You're right. Condemned criminals should be given the same regard for human decency and rights as they gave their victims.
Students complained to the police because they felt menaced by the weapons. They were not complaining about camouflage clothes. But these guys were trying to make a statement about "militia rights" to carry weapons. They were in a no-guns zone and were not going to get out of it with a story. They were not shooting targets in the batture. Even that is illegal if they do it around people or near tow-boats in the river or when trespassing and most of the batture is posted private property. There are 7 million muslim US citizens. They can't just be shot on sight. I would understand your concern if they were just a couple of goofs carrying weapons back to their car from some innocent activity, but these guys were hanging out with weapons in a very public area and apparently were expecting the cops, perhaps to make some kind of 4th amendment statement. But that doesn't apply in areas where firearms are legally prohibited.
Well, now while I do live here and not from here I will say if the perp is about to be put to death then it is probably safe to assume he/she showed very little regard for human decency or rights so why should we be "gentle" nah hell naw. I'm all for inflicting as much pain and suffering as possible.
Could be their drivers license pictures. We all look like serial killing ax murdering baby rapers in out drivers license pics.
I don't understand why we don't use confiscated heroin and simply give them overdoses of it. Works every time and it can hardly be inhumane to allow them to rush to death.