It's a violation of state law. No one goes around checking, but if your car was broken into and the police found your gun, they would book you in a heartbeat and LSU would expel you. Guns on campus are taken seriously. And you would have lost your job. The law is there for a reason. The top of the levee is only 60 feet from the LSU campus with a broad and deep range of fire. It was 10:30 at night, if they had been hunting, it was illegal. But no, they were a couple of militia kooks trying to get attention by alarming students, who reported them. They lied to the police as well, telling them they were part of "the state militia" and had permission from "the sheriff", which they did not. Now their weapons have been confiscated and they face charges.
What do Yall think of this crazy comspiracy theory in Texas about Obama taking all their weapons under the premise of "military training" You know I would hope that American soldiers would be brave enough that if a U.S. President ever tried to turn guns on the public they would just turn em back on the government. I know that's movie shit but who knows what the future holds.;_ylu=X3oDMTEyYzU5a2wxBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjAxMjdfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1431673602/RO=10/RU= And if you think teachers don't already have firearms in their vehicles - in Louisiana- you're nuts.
The way red describe it was not exactly the same as the way the media reported it. The were dressed in camo and they did tell the cop there were members of a "militia" but I heard nothing about them menacing any students or looking for a good vantage point to shoot people on the campus. Maybe the media didn't report the whole story or maybe red reported the rumors he heard on campus.
I had a 4 foot long copper pipe that I used for a science experiment that was all I probably needed, but it "got gone" during one summer. Now its a 4 foot black iron pipe, that someone made a fancy scroll out of small stuff, which could be construed as a grip. It is still for the experiment, though a science geek would know that iron does not work on this one.
Maybe you don't read the news very well. No rumors to it. Students reported the men to the police. The men lied to the police. Look at the damn picture. It is obvious that it was a good firing position and not a deserted part of the levee. That is my observation because I'm familiar with the area. Campus ends at the levee. See the friggin' LSU flag right under the bench the men were found sitting on. See the student riding his bicycle? See the students sitting on the same bench? See the cars? It is a popular hiking and biking spot at a busy intersection about 300 feet from the Vet School building. And yes people go there at night, it's why the area is lighted. If these guys were black militants or muslims, you would be outraged. But a couple of white kooks do it and you suggest I'm reporting rumors.