Arizona Bills Require Constitution Loyalty Oath, Pledge Of Allegiance By Public School Students

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUMASTERMIND, Jan 29, 2013.


    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    possibly, but stay tuned.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    the US is the only really backward first world country, we are religious morons like afganistan. england and the netherlands and estonia and other normal nations laugh at us. over time this will change. of course, there is a arge influx of cathlic latinos, and over time they too will become more secular. a flaw in human nature makes people want to be religious, but the advancement of science and reason works against this flaw. so over time we will be less and less reliogous. there will always be kooks, because you cant just make everyone smart. but even stupid people can get over religion with proper help.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No, I'm learning just how big a loser you are.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    not an argument

    i was making a point hat unsupported theories have no value. they are what a logical person would call "nonsense".

    read a book about positivism. try to understand that meaning is derived from data, empirical knowledge. there is no value in flinging words around.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You are simply repeating yourself. That is not an argument either. Repeating yourself over and over instead of offering additional evidence erodes your credibility rather than enhancing it.

    I have already demonstrated that Philosophical theories are valid, they abound and have been around since the dawn of intellect. There is no Philosopher in history who has not theorized including you. I can provide more examples than you will bother to read.

    This is not an argument either. I respond to you . . . read a book about philosophy or about anti-positivism, they abound as well.

    That is valid with matters scientific, but not at all regarding matters philosophical. You know this to be true, you just can't help yourself because you are addicted to dispute.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    no, there is really no such thing as a theory that is not scientific. what you call philosophy is just practical applied neuroscience. all based on real evidence, never whatever else there is, i dont even know what else there is, magic or something or whatever morons believe in.

    all theories are based on evidence, or they are literally nonsense, expressed without meaning. undefined terms, jibberish and useless waste of time.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Friend, I cited the encyclopedia, I cited the dictionary. These are terms that educated people understand. I'm embarrassed for you that you can't accept that and just keep insisting that the world reconform to your worldview.

    It ain't . . . gonna . . . happen.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i think this is the part where i ask for techniques for uncovering reality besides observation and rational inquiry, and you say intuition or some nonsense, like a 15 year old girl at the astrologer's lair, dumbly buying into incredibly cheap and simplistic trickery.

    again, all questions are scientific in nature, and can only be answered with science and empirical knowledge. it is not actually valid to say "capricorns are shy", or "god exists because he does, or because of whatever". those are not realy statements, they are very literally nonsense, they have no anchor in reason and mean nothing. they are "theories" in an incredibly broad and useless sense that imlies far more value than they really have. you know this, but you play word games pretty much constantly, and dont do alot of independent thinking.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No, this is where I admonish you for trying to speak for me and remind you that philosophical theory is not about uncovering reality but a contemplative type of abstract or generalizing thinking. By definition, look it up.

    Perhaps the most ridiculous statement you have made in this thread. Let me ask you a question . . . how do I feel? science and empirical observation cannot help you there. There are a million other questions that science cannot answer. You are foolishly wasting both of our time. You should be asking me about slavic women, time is short.

    You know this to be untrue, you fear that my keen analysis and sage wisdom will undo you once again. You have also revealed some distinct limitations in your intellectual capacity. And in philosophy of all topics, since that is among your strongest areas. You know I am going to use all of this against you when you inevitably start espousing your own peculiar philosophy in future threads and are unable to defend it scientifically and with empiracal knowledge. You are the gift that keeps on giving.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    well i certainly agree that gay college kids and strippers and deepak chopra like contemplating and abstract nonsense. adults tend to realize this is pointless emotionalism and navel gazing.


    what do you think a brain is, a cauldron of spells and eye of newt and rainbows and feelings? your brain is a chemical and electrical machine. your feelings, you gaywad, are states of electricity and chemical patterns. of course they can be measured scientifically. and we are getting better at this all the time. i just dont know what people are thinking when they say shit like this. its like i am living in 250 BC.

    i dont get why normal rational people think that because a question has not been answered by science, that we need to cart in a bunch of primitive liars and sheisters and shaman and have them wave wands and mutter incantations, and we beleive them? do you head for the snake oil when you have a cold?

    idiots always that say this "hey man, there are lots of questions science can answer....but" and i stop them there because i know where they are heading. foolishness and embarrassment.

    eastern europe is april 1st. before then i still have venezuela and greece and turkey. also i hae learned there is a reaon very few people you know have been to russia. they are restrictive as fuck and need so much documentation and so much money for vsas and applying and going to the russian consulate and shit. every other place you show up, stamp the passport, thanks for coming. russia is a nightmare and expense that i am not fond of.

    again, philosphy is basically a false pursuit. its fascinating to study for political science, because the goal of politics is to maximize human flourishing. and we need to figure out what peopl elike and therefore establish some rules and policies to increase aggregate utility. but hisorically, philosophy is often about stupid shit and god and nonsense, and not simply understanding sociology and psychology well enough to set rules and values that will help us be happy. every philosophical question is really a scientific question, often a very difficult one, but a scientific question nonetheless.

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