Arik Gilbert

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSU_4_LIFE, Dec 7, 2020.

  1. TBTrumpet

    TBTrumpet Founding Member

    Aug 5, 2003
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    The XFL returns in spring 2022. It was doing well until covid hit and all sports leagues shut down.

    I could see some players playing one or two years of college, going to the XFL for one or two years, then entering the NFL draft.
  2. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    Are we talking pay or opt-outs. You seem to think the two are mutually inclusive. Also, you oversimplify what is indeed a complex problem. Who is they? Who gets paid? How much and to what scale? Does the BU punter get same as starting QB? What about all the other sports? What about all the other univ that operate at a loss? Sounds simple...
    LSU_4_LIFE likes this.
  3. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Good post man. That’s how the process starts. I throw out ideas and you need clarification and you’ll have counterpoints to improve on the simple outline I half-ass created. It was serving as an example here too so that why I didn’t completely try to do the whole thing myself. Nobody can. Working together as a team with some from each side gets the ball rolling. Good stuff.

    OK - the questions...they is the NCAA, administration, school presidents and ADs etc. Much like a focus group. As far as who gets paid what and so forth...the money the school athletic departments bring in can be ear marked for that sport. If the badminton team doesn’t bring in anything then we can use factors such as practice, team activities for example to allocate a reasonable cut for a lesser followed sport. It would come from the other departments in a weighted scale based on other factors like grades, attendance, charity work. That could foster a team mentality too. As far as schools that lose money- you’d have to fall back on the factors above, for example. It’s complicated like an insurance policy yet we all have those. Our cars are complicated too and the inner workings and technology of our phones but we make it work. It’s all about motivation. It’s only “too complicated” if you choose to let it define you as such. I see opportunity to do better things. I don’t see the complications. It’s a challenge. They (all parties involved) need to actually try before automatically quitting bc it’ll be hard. Don’t be another Arik Gilbert.

    1 more thing. Those with all that money won’t just give up control. They’ll have to be forced. Tell you it “can’t” or “shouldn’t” be done. That’s a lie. It’ll take the failure of the whole system to force the money into an oversight group of whomever gets that job. It’ll definitely get way way worse before it even has a chance to get better. Might just have to let it go up in flames and start from scratch.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2021
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Lots of time to grow up. I was high from 18-20 majority of the days. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom and was getting PT’d in the military did I wake up and start to mature.

    It is true, it shows signs of being mentally weak, but we all have our path. Sometimes you Have to make the mistakes yourself.
    Winston1 likes this.
  5. LSU_4_LIFE

    LSU_4_LIFE Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    Yes but, there is also the rumor he wants to play in an explosive offense. I can’t imagine he is drooling over Georgia’s passing attack and/or use of TE’s.
    northernvatiger and XXL TideFan like this.
  6. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    Much of what you are detailing is subjective. Therein lies the problem. Its also wrong to assume that the billions you speak of is going into they's bank accounts. That money is reinvested at all levels. What do you think funds all the title IX programs or scholarships? Again only a small minority of schools (not even whole confs) generate this money you speak of. The logical outcome of redistributing wealth has been tried in many places under different names. All of which ultimately fails.
    Winston1 likes this.
  7. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    250K to put together a team of accountants could find those figures you speak of at a major university in a matter of weeks, maybe sooner. Might have to put a bunch more teams together The use of a college athlete name and likeness would cover would do the trick. It was done before so the knowledge is definitely out there. Someone at EA sports would be a start. I could find one a buy him some beers and a lapdance at the local “establishment if necessary”. Kinda of joking but also kinda of serious. Gotta think outside the box a little. Athletes can definitely have revenue generated that way. The socialism aspect is the basis for what we have now anyway. What I am proposing is just fixing the inherent weakness in the whole system. Self serving people in places of power who don’t do the right thing. With power comes responsibly. Anybody not buying in to that concept should be gone anyway. They’re a nail in the tire. It’s really taking money from rich old people (old money for all you Great Gadsby fans) and redistributing it to the ones who made the show. The athletes. That’s just righting a wrong. I bet you’d have a shit ton of high profile athletes on your side. Imagine the support that their endorsement will bring. It’s more complicated than I maybe am portraying it but each road block is ran over or avoided with effort and leadership. It’s going to take things getting really bad for that process to start. Maybe not, though. I think a way will present itself. This proposal would have a noble and right cause. Anyone open to faith knows that good eventually wins. Always. This would have truth on its side. Truth is like the father time to father time lol. You literally can’t lose.
  8. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    In summary, put bureaucrats in charge of wealth redistribution; always works. The path to hell is paved with good intentions, my friend.
    Winston1 likes this.
  9. northernvatiger

    northernvatiger Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    Seems to me there is much better potential playing in LSU's offense than Georgia's, but what do I know...
    LSU_4_LIFE likes this.
  10. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Good point my friend. Sometimes the leftist form of government is better. Sometimes not. Replace bureaucrats with bureaucrats? If it accomplishes the salvation of college football then it is well worth it. It wouldn’t be perfect but most definitely better. That’s more than enough reason to get some running shoes and continuously jump over these hurdles. The only way you lose is by quitting. Nobody wants to be an Arik Gilbert. Not cool.

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