I haven't really seen a decent argument for a govt. insurance plan? Could someone please enlighten me...
i dont have the time to figure out what's best, but i know status quo isnt good enough. im all for a drastic change, whatever it may be. taxings insurance benefits seems like a good thing to me. so does limiting expensive procedures. the country should pay for basic health care for all before they pay for organ transplants.
Why is that a good idea? The government already wastes billions of dollars on pork barrel spending and failed programs. How is taking more money from hard working Americans a good idea?
i think government should give small businesses a huge tax break if they insured their employees, and they should also do something about the insurance companies strict fines and penalties for dropping people.
There is only one realistic answer: Get a job and buy insurance or learn to deal with the consquences.
Well, doing nothing is not a viable option. Most insured Americans like their medical plan. But fewer and fewer employers offer it. More and more are getting dropped by their plans for having chronic or catastrophic illness. Worse, our premiums have risen at three times the rate of our paychecks, while our care standards have not improved. This is an unsustainable situation. It's going to lead to Health Care premiums costing more than mortgage payments and dominating family budgets. It will all come to a head about the time that Medicare collapses, because it is a worse case of costs outrunning income. Your health insurance is great right up until the point you lose it, can't afford it, or can't get it. Something is broke and it needs to be fixed. I don't expect it to be magical or cheap. But it certainly cannot be nothing.
+ infinity However, I would much rather a free market solution to one that is conjured up on capital hill. You don't need to look past the VA to see why the govt should not be involved in the health care business.
Then you die, Red. It happens to everyone eventually. The solution is to keep employers from getting into a position where they have to drop medical coverages. And that has nothing to do with the rising costs of healthcare. Also, some serious tort reform is needed. Med Mal lawyers are killing the industry.