I DID NOT. Where did I ever mention salaries? Where did I ever mention regulating salaries? I didn't. You made it up. I DID NOT. I asked you how you can defend the executives awarding themselves bonuses with taxpayer money for their incomptence that cause the huge losses? I still ask you that and you still evade! You have made up this entire diatribe. I have never said any of those things. You made them all up because you want to rail against them. Be my guest, you shameless fucking liar. Everyone else understand that I have NEVER SUPPORTED THE INVESTMENT BANKERS or WALL STREET in general. You have made all of that up because you are a very small person . . . and I'm not talking about your size.
I don't evade, I just said I don't justify executive bonuses because it's not my place to justify one person paying another whatever they want. Asking me to justify it like me asking you to justify what you tip your barber. I am not trying to control anything or funnel mtaxpayer money to certain industries the way you are. You are pandering to your special interests because you realize that the more money you funnel to the,, the more you can justify controlling them, this justifying you constant need to grow the government to control everything.
Apparently you are fooled Election year my ass, Big O been doing this since day one - day two on the outside. Obama has raised blaming everything on his predecessor to an art form. OK Class, for today's lesson; new definitions made famous by Democratic Presidents- Clintonism - a lie so big that it's insulting to the people supposed to buy it. EXAMPLEs - (1) I didn't inhale. (2) I didn't have sex with that woman [NOTE -this rates a Clintonism because everyone knew he'd screwed more women than a 70s hard rock band on a round the world tour. Obamaism - to continually blame everything that goes wrong on somebody else. EXAMPLEs - to numerous to list. Not needed because everyone knows Barak's favorite whine. USAGE - He gave me an Obamaism about TARP being only Bushes baby; but everyone knows that's a Clintonizm.
How So? - Because you think Obama had no association with TARP. I was away for a while so maybe you forgot - I'm not here to defend anyone or to prop anyone up. Bush screwed up a lot; Obama screwed up a lot; Bush did some good things; Obama did some good things. TARP was initiated under Bush and administered under Obama. In that respect Obama had more to do with the workings of TARP than Bush. TARP was an idea that didn't turn out to be as costly as it could have; but didn't accomplish as much as it was supposed to. There is no reason to deny association with it. Political rhetoric, not a provable fact in the statement. Google 'Obama blames Bush'. But do you have to, have you not been listening for 3 years. Nonsense rhetoric. Failed humor. - Grump.
I have no problem with anyone being rich. It's just that they have no perception of middle class life, so I prefer not to elect the most egregious ones to office. I also don't think the tax code should favor the rich and I don't think that they should be able to buy elections through PAC and corporations that are people, too. Why don't you have a problem with the super-rich buying themselves more political influence than ordinary citizens like yourself.?
The tax code doesn't favor the rich. They pay higher effective rates, and shoulder the bulk of the tax burden. No objective person who has looked at what is being paid by whom would think the tax code favors the rich. This is only a problem when government picks sides. Like with the terrible bailouts. If nearly all of Congress and Paulson weren't so eager to save the asses of their super huge investment bank backers too big to fail never enters the lexicon.