Are the Wheels Falling Off the 2008-2009 Season?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Cajun Sensation, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    In light of the RP incident, I got to thinking about the immediate future of our program. We will lose some great seniors like Dorsey, Doucet, Flynn, Highsmith, Steltz, Zenon, Chevis Jackson, Luke Sanders, K. Pittman and some more. Add the possibility of losing Ryan Perrilloux to that list. Now think about the possiblity of losing CLM and Pelini. Add all of this together and it's kind of concerning, is it not? :huh: I know alot of you will get mad that I'm thinking this way (this thread isn't intended to provoke....just create discussion about what you think), but I have to ask.....are you concerned?
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  2. USMTiger

    USMTiger Founding Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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    We are so loaded at almost every position (except field goal kicker apparently) that we will be just fine for years to come.
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  3. jimbeaux

    jimbeaux "Have a Great Day"

    Sep 16, 2003
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    If we don't do well next season, we can just call it a "rebuilding" year.
  4. nittanytiger

    nittanytiger Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Yeah.. the wheels have completely fell off we are on a crash course with a 1-11 season for 2008 - 2009 (/sarcasm off) :rolleye33: Wow... lets get through 2007-2008 before we look at next year but I think we will be alright. :tigereye:
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  5. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Don't get all bent out of shape, there JoePa. Maybe you didn't read the part where I wasn't trying to provoke....I just wanted to hear thoughts. Settle down and answer the question without sarcasm. You will be a happier person for it.
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  6. nittanytiger

    nittanytiger Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    If you are not trying to provoke maybe rename the title... "Are the wheels coming off" seems a little provoking to me... sorry but again lets get through this year before we look at next year and I did answer your question. I said "I think we will be alright"
  7. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    Just b/c your ears want to hear something else does not mean it is provoking.

    However, I think we will be fine. Record wise, it will be quit difficult for us to do what we have done the past few years. I do think we will continue to contend for West for a while due to the talent we have.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Uhhh . . . No.
  9. TenTexLA

    TenTexLA Founding Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    We will be fine. CLM loves his players and wants the best of success for all players while playing at LSU and beyond. Don't let the RP situation get you down. If RP and Odom are cancers on this team and are kicked off I expect it to be a huge positive for our team going into the Bama game. If RP and Odom are innocent then the truth will surface. Let the process weed out the problems. We will lose a lot of talent from this years team but we are well stocked and have many younger Tigers ready to make the most of their opportunity next year. :geauxtige
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  10. LSUtiger327

    LSUtiger327 Pow right in da kissa

    Nov 10, 2004
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    the bad news: all those things you said could happen.

    the good news: if LSU is looking for a head coach the job itself has turned into a very attractive one especially if you have pelini taking over as head man at NU and miles at UM two of the most storied programs in the country.

    i am less worried about talent. i think jarrett lee will be a decent option under center and if you have a bunch of new guys on defense it doesn't matter as much because they all have to learn a new system anyway.

    i think the running backs will be just as good next year and i firmly believe the O-line will be better than this year. we may need a little help at wr but demetrius byrd is developing well and if moffit can get a hold of tolliver for a full year that kid has got star written all over him. i also think lafell just needs a shrink and he'll be back on track too.

    i'm far less worried about talent and would worry more about who gets hired to take over as they would steer the program for years to come. but like i said it's not like LSU is some 2-10 program looking for a life line. we've become one of the elite programs in the country.

    as far as the wheels falling off, look for that to happen if we don't beat alabama this week. i'm seriously worried about the mental state of this fanbase if we lay an egg on saturday and while some think it's an impossibility, i woulda said the same thing about kentucky. i feel pretty good about the game though, it's just not a lock that we'll roll.
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