I remember about 5 years ago when YOU tried posting there. :hihi: Herpes Simplex Virus got onto you, and I tried to defend you to him saying you were a good guy, just liked to joke it up a bit. He didn't care. Looking back, what a dick.
I don't remember but I was never banned. I posted a few times but didn't hang around. I believe it if you say it happened though. Remember everyone registering on IrishEyes to see how long they'd last? :lol: I think even poor lil fanimiss got her azz banned.
No, that dumbass just told you to tone it down, reminded you whose 'sandbox' you were in. I got banned on IrishEyes for calling Chollie Weis a fat arse, which was the only substance in the only post I ever made there. I just wanted to make SURE I got banned...after LSUFanInMiss got it.