I don't apologize to Lee for anything. The guy is not an SEC calliber QB no matter how bad you guys feel for him. Last year was understandable, Really getting his first blood, but you would expect to see improvements seeing that this is his THIRD year in the system. Sorry, but Lee is no possible way the answer. He should have grasped the system by now, but he hasn't. He's rattled, horrible under pressure, and inaccurate.
So he should be booed for busting his gut. As a college student/athlete. Because you, personally, expect more out of him. :huh: I'm just trying to understand. Just because he isn't cutting it as a starting SEC QB, should he be the target of public ridicule?
No, he shouldn't and I'm sick and tired of amateur fan commentators ridiculing any Tiger athlete like this. They can't all be All-Americans, but we need them.
I'm sorry i dont agree with you master lsu fan. Jesus, just because im not ignorant enough to know that he isn't a good QB at all doesn't mean im an amateur fan. I think it's ridiculous for you to try to cut me down as a fan because i dont think lee is worth anything at QB.
We're all amateurs, chief. The issue isn't your opinion of Lee's quarterbacking, it's your insistence that he must transfer. Let the coaches and the players decide who transfers based on the teams needs and the players ambitions . . . not because you dislike his quarterbacking.
I really get pissed when someone takes upon himself to issue a statement for the masses - that's total BS. First of all, I along with 92K other folks paid for my tickets. If I want to boo Jarrett Lee or friggin Santa Claus I can and will, that's my perogative. But I wasn't just booing him, I was also booing Gary Crowton's horrendous play calling. As long as I or anyone else for that matter does not violate policy by hurling expletives then it is perfectly fine to boo. I ask what is worse, my booing or the subpar, uninspired, pathetic, lack of effort the Tigers displayed against Tech?
Your opinion. Yes, it is. And if I want to call you a jackass for booing a kid that isn't entertaining you enough, then I can too. I paid for my tickets as well so I guess that's my prerogative. I can live with that, they make big bucks to get boo'd, though I generally don't do it. Again, your opinion. We won the game, man.. I'm happy with that. I'm still embarrassed by our fickle fans' actions... so I guess there's your answer. So boo me.
Were this Jordan Jefferson who had such an abysmal night against LA Tech, how many of these apologists for the "young athlete" Lee would be standing up for Jordan? I believe he would be the victim of some real abuse--much worse than Jarrett Lee is receiving, and probably by the same ones ashamed of the treatment of Lee. As one who has been attending Tiger games for decades (first in 1958), I believe I now detect the strong odor of quarterback racism spreading on this site.
Absurd. The track record of Lee bashing on this forum FAR surpasses anything Jefferson has ever received. I'll be impressed if you can find one single poster here that thinks Jefferson is a lesser QB than Lee.