Would minor leagues solve college football's problems? So let the arguments begin. Is it right for one but not the other? I know the NFL is a different animal than MLB or to some extent the NBA. That isn't the argument (I don't think) (No MLU I did not read the damn article) but what I believe the argument to be is should there be a "minor" league? My answer is there already is one, its called the NCAA. I don't know of any player out of high school capable of playing in the NFL (Dexter Manley maybe but he would not have been able to sign his contract). I think this is an extremely bad idea for college football. There are already too many that think they are a lot better than they really are, this would multiply it by numbers we can't count. Recruiting would get even crazier, I just don't like it. and.... go
Why would anyone listen to what Dinardo says about football? He should pick a subject that he actually knows something about.:dis: