It was just brought up by someone on dandydon that Craig could be a OC in waiting as CC has not had an extension on his contract. I believe he is up in March. bhelm you think there are any legs to this and if so good bad or ugly type of hire?
That is absolutely nuts. There is no way we should promote this guy to OC. Not like it matters though we know who the real OC is.
here we go w/the rumor mill. (not meant to attack you, i know you are just passing on what you hear).
Just the messenger and just asking the question. It is an issue that Cameron's contract is up in march. Something has to happen there one way or another.
I don't get the euphoria over the Craig hire. LSU fans at other sites are acting like we hired the greatest WR coach in history. I'm not saying it's a bad hire, I'm just saying it's a hire. My reaction is What am I missing. A lot of coaches are good recruiters and are good at coaching their position. What makes Craig a "home run" hire.
Absolutely nothing makes him a home run hire, in fact it's not a given that he is even a good hire. Good recruiter, unproven coaching ability and not a very long track record. The jury is still.out on this one.
I think Craig as QB Coach makes more sense than WR Coach, but that's just me. It's rumored that he'll have an addition title like Passing Coordinator or Co-Offensive Coordinator. Hell, he could even be named Recruiting Coordinator, a position he held at FSU and at which he excelled.