Miles IMHO don't like white QB's. That's why he didn't pull JJ in the championship game vs Bama. He played Mett but he had no choice.
Its just my opinion. In 2011 why would you leave a guy in game who can't get you past midfield. When most of the year it was Lee who got us there.
He has become a madman in charge of underlings too afraid to speak up an risk their cushy jobs. He is leading the program down the path of total ruination just like Hitler did to Germany. If he isn't removed how long before the Tiger logo is as hated a symbol as a swastika?
He used to be a regular caller to the afternoon talk shows. Jimmy Ott and I believe Buddy Songy. He might be the secret identity of Mike from Plaquemine
Red contacts. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. i was disappointed to see that after the game during his interview.