I mean on a personal level, like not buying their products. Personally, I haven't bought any blurays, cds or downloaded their music or movies, from the Hollywood liberal terrorists, since the election. I'm talking mostly about the ones showing their arse at every oportunity. luckily, I don't want anything from most of them anyway. wife is the same way. Doubt it hurts them too much at all, but I'm not going finance these clowns. ever been watching movie & have one of them pop up & it yanks you right out of the film? Let's face it, Bobby Deniro is now just one of the Focker family flock, a long, long way from Travis Bickle or Godfather films. the mind virus ate him up. I know I'm not alone, just wondering if it has affected anyone else? didn't even know ashley judo was still around before her "nasty woman"..I guess they call it performance art, at the pussy hat picnic.
Kind of. There is only so much more SJW injection I can take before I do something else. I mean, take for example super woman played by a trans-gendered man. Now that is showtime folks.
Long gone are the days of Jimmy Stewart and the Bob Hope's of Hollywood they were partriots. Its mostly all swill now.
I have. I've been boycotting any and all goods from California. I've not only told the few California girls who send me weekly nudes, not to, to really show how serious I was, I even sent back the ones I had then deleted them off my phone.
Nah, Go big. The whole phucking state. Even the nipples on tits are starting to be slanted. In the days of the Gold rush they were more eraser-shaped like American titty nipples should be but not any more. All the cross breeding has taken it's toll.