Minter would have helped, Reid would have helped, Simon would have helped and Logan would have helped. All left LSU early, anyone of them could have made this defense better.
No one has replaced Minter, then again, no one has replaced Reid, Simon or Logan. Logan would have helped big time. More push up front, also giving Freak and Ego a break. Minter was the biggest loss. Looking at last years numbers, we would have thought Barrow was the answer. Off topic, The Little Couple on TLC has a former LSU Swim Team member teaching swimming...FYI Jarrod Marrs, is the former Tiger.
Totally agree with comparison of Reid and Loston, they both made the same kind of mistakes and many times they were huge.
I don't know why Logan even left. He didn't get drafted high enough to warrant leaving early. He could have killed it this year and got himself into the bottom of the 1st round perhaps. And man oh man he would helped big time.
I do not get the hate on Reid. They guy was a legitimate All-American and made far more plays than one he missed. The notion that he could not help us if he were back this year is ludicrous.
Wow! I was friends witht Jarrod when he lived in BR, and for a bit afterwards (hard to keep up). I'm still really close with several of his other swimming buddies.