any of you guys getting concerned about kicking players off

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by emry123, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. lsufaninmiss

    lsufaninmiss GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nov 11, 2005
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    Yep, I agree with you 100%

  2. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    No, I was more concerned when he didn't kick the trouble makers off. Just look at the Criminoles and the CoCaines down in Florida, they let the criminals run the place and it took both programs down. Undisciplined teams don't win championships.
  3. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    they needed room inspections and 5 am practices. there were tons of bad apples in that crew. gotta somewhat stick up for curley there. i have forgotten which players were his recruits and which were archer's, i personally witnessed on more than one occassion--domestic violence and guns (separately), oh, and lets not forget the 80 man riot between the basketball team and football team.

    he probably should have kicked off several of them, but then half the starters would have been walkons.
  4. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    I think I am more concerned about or kicking players then the players that get kicked off. Colt should be money, but the rest of our kicking game?
  5. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    That was when I was in college. Our football team had more thugs than "Gridiron Gang."
  6. lsu_dane

    lsu_dane Founding Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    First off, everyone needs to be honest with themselves and the forums. Anyone that says, "I'd rather lose with class than win with trash" (I'm paraphrasing) is full of it.

    I can promise you that if Miles goes 5-7 this year, all of you saying that will be questioning the kicking off of RP. You'll see tons of threads saying "How much did not having RP hurt us?" "Look how good RP did this season!" "Do we really know what happened with RP?" and lord forbid Les kick anyone else off the team and have a losing record, then people will be saying "Les is too hard to players." "We need a coach to coach, not kick people off."

    The simple truth is, winning makes you forget about most problems, and losing makes insignificant stuff matter.

    Do I think there's a problem with CLM kicking people off? No. It's obvious that he did what he thought was right. Is this some damaging trend? No, I don't think so. Only, be honest people. Stop trying to spin this into something positive.

    A player got kicked off the team. That's never a good thing. If anything, it's a sad thing. Don't feel happy that we "lost a bad apple", feel sad that we couldn't save a team member.
  7. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Please speak for yourself. RP is yesterday's news.
    RP's talent is unquestioned and nobody here is stupid enough to suggest that the QB situation is stronger because he left, but we will survive his loss. Ultimately he was more divisive than he was a leader and thankfully Miles took care of it. Lamenting what RP might have done had he kept his head on straight, is not the same as bitching about Miles kicking him off the team.

    Again, speak for yourself.

    We have had three years to witness that Miles gives ample opportunity for players to do things correctly. If he seems trigger happy with players other than RP, it's because they were not stupid enough to call negative attention to themselves since their recruitment, and thusly their problems may not be of a public nature. Passing judgment on Miles without having facts is what I expect ignorant people or children to do, not thinking adults.
    It is positive that Miles can enforce discipline without fear of his depth chart, be it a freshman, valued backup or even a projected starter. Besides winning 11 games/season, a SECC, and a NC, Miles seems to be concerned with the integrity of his team and our school. He also seems to be setting a decent example for some very young men. I think that is what most parents want for their kids. Where is the spin in that?

    If I get cancer, I will lament that it has happened, but I will rejoice when the doctor cuts it out of me, and I proceed to live a healthy life. This is not one whit different.
  8. lsu_dane

    lsu_dane Founding Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    So now it's easy to simply classify problem players are "cancer" that need to be "cut out"?

    Personally I think it's wrong that a sweeping generalization could be made like that. But for the sake of argument's sake let's go with cancer.

    There's MANY options that don't involve cutting the cancer out. If both your lungs are full of cancer, it's not as simple as "let's just slice and dice". Nor is that a GOOD solution.

    I don't even question Miles and his tatics. Nor do I care about RP. But I REFUSE to put myself on such a "superior" moral ground than these players.

    "Let he without sin cast the first stone."

    Was it wrong for CLM to kick off JJ or RP? No I'm not saying that. What I am saying is addition by subtraction still starts with a minus. And I think all these people playing the moral high ground right now will be the same ones questioning CLM later in the year (if he loses) for doing just what they're prasing him for now.

    However, what I don't like are sunshine pumpers (except ist - his absolute confidence in Recruiting is astounding) that will throw players who they've never met under the bus simply to make LSU look good.

    We don't even know why he was kicked off, yet he's suddenly a cancer? Let's say I was someone that was down and out, I'd hate for you to be the person to "help me out". You'd be about as much help as Job's 3 "friends". Not knowing the whole story but telling me I OBVIOUSLY did something wrong.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    It's sad, unfortunate, disappointing, etc. but taking swift, appropriate action many save other players from doing something stupid. Just because these guys have fully developed bodies doesn't mean their brains are working like a mature adult. They're young and often act like kids. They still need parental and/or adult influence and they still need discipline.

    Once you've hit 30, 40,'ll look back and see who had the greatest influence in your life. Trust me, it won't be the people who let you do whatever you wanted with no boundaries.

    I'm not happy RP and JJ got in trouble. I'm happy that the coaching staff doesn't tolerate their actions.
    1 person likes this.
  10. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    I didn't classify Jones as a cancer, but if a player is a problem that cannot be fixed, then he needs to be gone. You make assumptions that Miles doesn't, didn't, or will not in the future, try to help these men instead of first kicking them off.

    I didn't say Jones was a cancer. I used cancer as an example of being grateful something bad is gone instead of focusing on what you lost in the first place. This is really that difficult to comprehend?

    Considering that I have two sisters that currently have cancer, I know full well what the options for treating cancer are. And in case you missed it, the cancer reference was a METAPHOR. You are going off on an unnecessary tangent to defend your point. This is not about cancer. It is about player discipline.

    What in the hell are you talking about? What is wrong with posters applauding Miles for making a judgment call about a player when the coaching staff is the only one to know the particulars? After the last year and a half soap opera we endured with RP, I think most people are relieved to hear that if the coach deemed a player an unfixable problem, he is gone. Does it suck that a great player is no longer with us? Sure it does! Who has rejoiced at losing a good player here? Anyone? Bueller??

    I find it unlikely you will find any of the regular posters here to backtrack on Miles in regards to this. In that event they would likely be slammed for it. You make broad assumptions here in order to tell us how to think and behave. Nice.

    Who does like them? I have seen no evidence of that here. What's your point?

    We don't know and likely won't know because of privacy issues. The school has no legal right to publicize whatever infractions this player may have had. And it is not in the best interest of the school or the kid's future for it be published so I would say that Miles is still looking out for him, even though he was dismissed. Again the comparison of him to cancer. It was a metaphor, so get over it.

    You blame me for not knowing all the facts about this kid's dismissal, and then assume I would be a bad person to call upon if you were in need, even though you clearly don't know me. Do you often have debates with split personalities? :insane::insane:

    I have not bashed this kid at all, merely defended Miles right to kick him off at his discretion, his right to keep the details out of the public domain, and the right of the fans to assume that Miles is doing the correct thing for his team, based upon his past performance. However, you seem determined to point fingers at any poster that agrees with this simply because they don't know the details. You also have accused the same posters of being disingenuous about wanting to have a classy program as opposed to "winning with thugs".

    You probably need to look in the mirror and stop speaking for everyone else and calling them hypocritical based upon a theoretical situation that has yet to even be tested. How about you wait a few months in to the season and when we have lost 8 games, then come back and provide evidence of these same posters bitching about Miles throwing players off the team?

    If there is anyone preaching here, it's you.

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