ah, go hunker down and hug a gun you could show a little compassion for Stacey's feelings,.. instead of using her as an opportunity to spew your shit
This is not going to make me buy a gun. It also isn't going to make me stop exercising. I have been exclusively taking long walks all spring and summer, avoiding my gym even after gyms opened. However, with my school year starting up next week (virtually), I may have to take the workouts back to the gym. I took kickboxing for four years (several years ago) and learned a lot of very cool self-defense moves. I don't know if they would work or not.
get you a proper dog and have it trained with you involved of course. they make great running pals. I am sorry for something so traumatic. A damned shame. You can never be too diligent esp now with the idiots everywhere.
Truly, my cocker spaniel will scare no one. The mom of one of my younger daughter's friends jogs that trail frequently. They have a huge, territorial Akita, but I don't know if she could hack a jog in the Texas heat. Our neighborhood is the kind of place where kids can walk to parks and friends' houses. We all thought... Today, as my younger daughter was driving us back home from swimming at a friend's house, she was talking about how upsetting the whole thing is. I told her that, from now on, she needs to make sure they have their guy friends with their group if they are at a park. Her best guy friend is 6'3", and the "boyfriend" is a fit wrestler and baseball catcher. Their group also has a few other guys that hang out with them. Again, we thought a group of girls would be fine around here; there is even a police station a couple of blocks from our house. But the murder was just a couple of blocks from us in the other direction. And while we think the police caught the murderer (and it should be an isolated incident), we can't be sure.
Telling her to stay strong and not telling her a stick with save her life is not compassionate it's a lie. We are in a more violent world now sticks are useless especially for a woman. She has free will and can tell me to go to hell but I wouldn't tell even a grown man that a stick is the answer these days. You carry a stick if you like I perfer a gun.
Sorry to hear about your neighbor. I live in a small mixed race neighborhood too but our people are not shy about calling out. We have a community facebook page and things hit it in real time. Ya'll might explore that, it's not perfect but it helps. We also have law enforcement living here too (FBI/DEA/Police) and that also helps. People walk, jog and bike all hours. There is one road in/out here and our HOA installed cameras at the entrance.