Don't even need AI... nuke power is now so safe they are describing it, specific nuke tech, as walk away safe. I could not find the article I read awhile back, but this one had some info. "But over recent years an innovative alternative nuclear reactor design has evolved. This family of reactors is known as High Temperature Gas Reactors. They do not use water as a coolant, but use helium gas. In South Africa such a reactor design was developed, known as the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR). Its fuel is small tennis ball size graphite balls containing granules of uranium, and not large metal fuel elements. The balls cannot melt. The PBMR design was developed to be ‘walk away safe’ which means that the nuclear reactor plus its cooling system, can be stopped dead in its tracks and the reactor cannot overheat, it will just cool down by itself. A real trial of the reactor system was carried out in Germany and the reactor cooled just as designed. The operating team really can walk away to have lunch, and the reactor will take care of itself, in the event of an emergency shutdown."
I think a greater problem is waste disposal. I once wrote an OP-ED piece challenging Buffet, Soros, Gates and other to throw in a billion each as a prize for someone solving the nuclear waste problem. Didn't go anywhere.
Did they read it? Just give me the $3 billion and I'll build some rockets and shoot the waste into the sun.