I was trying to remember his name. He was Howard Carter's coach at Redemptorist. Also Ron Abernathy who brought Rudy Macklin to LSU. I don't know how Abernathy was at x's and o's but he was a great recruiter.
Assistant coach Rick Huckaby handled the X's and O's when he was there. he left to become a head coach at Marshall. Ron Abernathy was the ace recruiter. Dale knew how to hire assistants as well as recruit. Jones may have picked that up as well.
hopefully he knows his strengths and weaknesses, but im not so sure he will this season. he will have one of the best starting five in the nation and this guy cant seem to coach a point guard, a position he played.
Took a couple hrs before his name finally came to me. I remembered he was from redemptorist Maybe Les can coach PG and JJ can coach OL.
Jones needs to pick up some of Dale's motivational skills. Who else could reference Mother Theresa, John Wooden, Nostradamus and the planet Neptune in the same sentence?
I don't know how fans can come up with a strong assessment of jj so soon. Especially with so many players leaving early. How do you distinguish between coach and player actions? There was significant xs and os improvement over the season- not necessarily execution but evidence that things were being taught. I think young and dumb players made jj look bad.