Democrats tend to demonize corporations for not paying enough taxes. They tend to forget that congressmen , both democrats and republican alike, voted for tax breaks and deductions for industries in their districts. Senators voted for the same in regard to their state's intrest. It's not surprising that Iowa would vote for ethonol and corn subsidies. That's where the mistake was made. No industries should have been singled out for tax breaks. The tax system as is can be as bad for an industry as it can be good. Coal is the red head step child now. Government seems to want to crush the coal industry and promote windmills and the like. Think of the possibilities coal would have if the government put the amount of effort into carbon scrubbers for coal as they have into windmills. The government regulations will eventually cripple the coal industry instead of promoting it. Loopholes are the word of the day. What larger loophole is there than 40% of the nation not paying taxes. A small percentage of the population pays the majority of taxes and almost half the population pays no taxes at all. These people vote, use the same services, drive on the same roads and are protected by the same army and police. They get all the benifits of being an American citizen but don't pay a damn thing. They freeload off of the middle class and rich. It is beyond hypocritical to claim that someone doesn't pay enough taxes when the person complaining pays none themselves. Then there are people who claim that it's unfair they don't get deductions but bitch about others that do have deductions. I am with Martin in believing that taxes are a burden on the American people and it's spending by elected officials to promote their reelection efforts that has put us in debt. We could get away from all the inequality by either getting rid of all deductions and lowering the rates all the while causing everyone to pay into the system or going to a national sales tax. How in the eff can democrats bitch about the rich not paying their fair share when they allow 40% of the country to not pay one damn cent.
OK . . . Then you support eliminating child credits and dependent deductions? That is what allows families with 50K incomes and 2 children to owe no taxes. Do you support also eliminating the standard deduction? That is what allows people making 35K or less to owe no taxes. A flat tax makes everybody pay something. Even if it is a very low rate for very low earners.
This would be a huge freaking mess that would destroy the middle class. Everything would cost at least 20% more. Effective income tax rates + payroll taxes are far less than that for most Americans. So what they would pick up in take home pay would be more than consumed by a NRST. Then there are the convoluted prebates to cover food and medicine. Nightmare!!! The most effective tax reform is a simplification of what we have now. I like a three rate system with a 6, 12, and 18 percent rates. The only deductions would be for self and dependents. The middle class and poor would bare too much burden without them.
Everyone should have to pay some taxes. There should never be a millionare that pays less than someone who earns 100k. There should NEVER be a time when someone makes a profit off of taxes. You should not have a person who pays No taxes voting to raise taxes on someone who does pay taxes. I may have been wrong on the sales tax thing but that was the reasoning behind it. There are millions of people who make money off the tax system now. They get more money back than they put in. There are millionare's who pay less in taxes than I do. There are business' that get special treatment from the tax system because a politician owed them a favor. We would have all the money we need if everyone paid their fair share. If not for all the abuses in the way taxes are paid the precentage we all pay could be lower. No person in this country except maybe the seniors on social security and the disabled should be exempt from paying something. Even if a poor persons part is a hundred dollars a year he will still have skin in the game. There are too many people who turn a profit off of taxes every year.
I keep saying that there is a moderate within you trying to get out. Quit watching FOX and listening to Walton and Johnson for a while and become enlightened. :thumb: