American media is trying to keep Americans angry and divided

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Sep 20, 2016.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Yep. I'm afraid in the end she just shouldn't have been a cop at all. The trouble is you just cannot replicate these situations in a training environment. Experience is the only thing that really counts here and I place a lot of the blame on the people that put her in that position.
  2. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Its been posted in here a couple of times, but I keep going back to that news story where they got the anti-cop protester to go through active shooter scenarios. You just can't know how you will react when your life could be threatened in an instant if you haven't been extensively trained for it.
  3. asignupe99

    asignupe99 Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    But you did pass a sentence in your first post. A death sentence when you said he wasn't following commands like that justified it. No audio, so how do you know? Because they said it? They also said he wouldn't show his hands...but the video show is hands were up. Said he reached in his window...but his window was up. It goes both ways. Believe it or not, I WANT there to be a reason this happened. You have to be a cold-hearted person to want a person to die when they didn't deserve to. When people poke the police and this happened I'm backing off. But it's mighty strange a guy can have an actual shootout with police and survive, but this shit keeps happening with folks who are unarmed. It's not right.

    The point is that we should ALL be able to talk about unjustified police shootings AND talk about Chicago, but do it separately. One is independent of the other. The issue in Chicago is a condition of a number of other things that are generational. That condition started long ago. It was NOT self-inflicted, but it is certainly self-replicating. You force a bunch of people into a small place with limited to no resources, and in many cases take what resources they gain, and eventually they will start to feed on each other. Chicago did not happen by happenstance. More like circumstance. LA has been there and they bounced back. New York was definitely there in the 90s, but they bounced back. Chicago will too, but don't act as if people aren't trying. That same media you're complaining about being divisive doesn't talk about that.

    The problem I have is it's like you guys use that as an excuse for why police shoot people without justification. We can't talk about it because Chicago is a war zone? We can't expect police to uphold the shield because black-on-black crime is glamorized by the same media you complain about? It's usually brought up when people are reaching for reasons to justify shit like this.

    And you guys are absolutely right...I was erroneous on Charlotte...that was what was reported at the time. My fault. I can certainly admit that.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And even that is still sort of pretend. It's not at all the same. We would go on training ops with blanks all the time and end up shooting cleaning rods at rabbits. Used miles gear and all that stuff. When you "die" via a laser beam and a little sensor it's not quite the same as a bullet ripping a hole in your chest.

    Like I said, you can't replicate it in any training scenario.
  5. asignupe99

    asignupe99 Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Agree or disagree...a lot of the hate for Obama has been there since he won. Before he ever announced a policy. Simply because he's black. A LOT. Case in point, read the comments on any article referencing Obama and see how many times he's called something derogatory referencing the color of his skin. There are way more people contributing to the division by being juvenile thinkers (many on this site no less) than can be said for Obama or the media.

    You are right on Charlotte. Absolutely.

    You're talking about what the media is presenting and it is slanted even though many think the media is liberal. It's not liberal or conservative. It's opportunistic. But why would people "riot" over some neighborhood crime? Gang members don't take an oath to protect and serve. And when they kill they typically go to jail. You can't say the same for police. And violent crime rates HAVE gone down nationwide. What's happening in Chicago and to a lesser extent Baltimore is just as isolated as police killing unarmed people. I'm realistic enough to expect that crime will be a problem anywhere that you have historic cases of extreme poverty mixed with easy availability of guns and drugs and an unwillingness of those in power to address the problem. But it's obvious you're very intelligent. Surely you're intelligent enough to know that just because the media doesn't want an opinionated populace to know that people care about Chicago doesn't mean that...people don't care about Chicago...right?

    Truth be told you could swap out Chicago with Baton Rouge or New Orleans and I would say the same thing although I think Katrina greatly exacerbated the crime issue in B.R. But Kip keeps his finger in his ear too much to care. Talk about a guy that hand an opportunity to rise (note I didn't say make a difference...just use the community to rise)...
  6. asignupe99

    asignupe99 Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Did he talk you into There are white..."nupes" LOL. But there are some Muslim ones too so you'd probably fail your interview. Nevermind. :)))
    shane0911 likes this.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    Cops do go to jail. When a crime has been committed. What people want to do is say every shooting by police is a murder. That's simply not the case. There are cops in federal prison for murder. There aren't many average joes in federal prison for murder. There are guys out on bond right now for their second murder. After serving 7-8 years for the first one. It's all perception and believing what you want. Also using buzz words like "murder" paints such a weird picture on justified police shootings. In so many of these cases it's shit tactics over any unjust shootings.
  8. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I agree with you on some stuff and I disagree with you on some stuff, but I certainly respect you for this, on an emotional topic.
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    He knows dam well who they'll vote for- they've voted blindly for years now.
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I never said you couldn't talk about it. The video I saw showed him with his hands up and then him walking back to the car, then the view is obstructed by a bunch of police surrounding him. I don't know what happened with the view obstructed. I don't know if force was or wasn't justified and if the evidence proves it wasn't then that officer should be brought up on charges, just like any other officer should for shooting anyone in which deadly force wasn't warranted. You can talk about whatever you want to talk about but in my opinion yes it's all linked. It's like if I got pissed off at Ray Rice and then I went home and slapped my wife. I don't see how cops can be painted with a broad brush when way more African American men women and children are being gunned down in the streets of Chicago. It's like a non story. But everyone is quick to riot when a cop shoots someone. And there is a huge double standard going on here, if I said "people like you" there is a good chance I'd be labeled as some racist when that is so far from the truth it's stupid. I have also said plenty of times that Obama gets blamed for a lot of shit he shouldn't be blamed for, I agree he was hated before he was elected and because he is black and nothing he does even good will be accepted by some. But I'm not blind either, fuck I voted for him in 08 proudly, and I'm not afraid to say that I think it was a mistake. Not because he is black, because he is a shit president.
    Winston1 likes this.

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