For the two games I've been to at Death Valley this year (Florida & Auburn), I always get a chuckle when they post the Help Text message on the scoreboard. For those who don't know it, it says something to the effect of "If there is a problem please text #### with the problem and location and help will be sent" Each time I've always wanted to send a text saying "murder on the field" or "bodies scattered on the field." Of course I know it's nothing to mess with but I wonder how many of funny texts those guys receive each game. Sorry for the random post but I need something to keep me occupied for two weeks.
With the tsunami of people that take over TS and surrounding areas, it'd probably be more beneficial to hand out pre game flare guns for people who need assistance.
My brother said he wondered if he would have much luck if he texted that he would like some nachos and a coke.