They aren't too worked up. You fuck with tradition there will always be a similar response. I like them. On the field it may look like a Mardi gras float vomited itself however.
I'm very traditional myself. But the meaning & tribute behind the uniforms, I understand and respect. It's only one game. LSU isn't gonna go all Oregon, and change their uniforms each week.
Oregon announced last year that we're backing off, on the different uniforms a bit, this year we have three home unis, yellow/green/black, and sounds like all our road uniforms will be white with chrome-wing helmets.
It don't take much to get me talking. Say the word, Oregon, and my ears prick up,.. gotta say, Orgeron, is still fucking with my radar though.
oregano, not so much,.. Orgeron, I think it's the capital, Or, that tricks me, the o,n, at the end doesn't help