i think that article is gonna make me throw up my beer and peanut butter cups. cause it makes me sick at the thought this guy is gonna be the new ad.
How about this one red? http://media.www.dukechronicle.com/...StaffEditorials/Fire-Joe.Alleva-1803442.shtml
Let us pray... Dear God/Jahovah/Allah/Yaweh/Vishnu/{insert choice here}, Please make most of us completely wrong in our initial disbelief and repulsion at the potential, reported hire of Mr. Alleva as the new LSU AD. Please make us eat mounds of crow because you intend to guide his hand and make the LSU athletic department the model of excellence in the nation. Oh, and I'd like to lose 20 pounds and 20 years, while you're paying attention to me. Thankin' you. Peace out.
Let's get something straight before you all start jumping off bridges. At LSU the AD has 3 responsibilities (in order of importance): #1 Don't F with Tailgating #2 Keep the teams out of Sanctionable Trouble #3 Hire good coaches If he does those 3 things right, he could be tommy tuberville for all I care. The best kind of AD is the one you don't know you have.
Well, if you believe what you read, and hear, he sucks at all of the above....with the exception of F'ing with Tailgating.....but, I doubt they even know what tailgating is at Duke.
#1 seems to be the only thing on that list that might not be in trouble. referencing articles already quoted: find me a bridge.
What beer specifically? I am running analytical testing to see which beer pairs best with peanut butter cups. Your contribution to this survey is greatly appreciated. BTW, if you have any experience with Captain Crunch and beer, toss that information in as well. :laflagwav
Alleva... sounds like a fancy new prescription drug. Why did the guy leave Duke? His three children all graduated there, he himself has been at Duke for some 30 years, and spent a decade as their AD. According to the bio Duke has of him (here), many of his accomplishments there do seem pretty outstanding (granted, the bio is going to try to paint him in the most positive light possible).
:hihi: Our reputation proceeds us. http://www.dukebasketballreport.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8566&page=2