Not sure if they ever realized that however, because it took a severe injury to Hatch to push JJ up the depth chart to the #2 slot. If Hatch had stayed healthy and Lee got hurt when he did, Hatch probably would have been the only QB to see the field the last 2 games of the season and this bowl game. That's a fairly sobering and disturbing thought. So ultimately JJ only gets his PT because the 2 QBs ahead of him get hurt.
If my aunt had a male appendage she'd be my uncle. I'm just glad JJ started last night, and I look forward to seeing more of him next year. :geauxtige That's the message I hope potential recruits take away from this discussion.
You have no basis to KNOW this for certain, it is just conjecture. I submit that a clueless mobile athletic passer, who takes a hit and jumps up..... is 1000% better than a studious non leader, non mobile, pocket poasser who is scared to death on the field. JMHO though...... :hihi:
he didnt get many reps in practice, so maybe these people that "saw" him in practice were guessing too. OR they just DIDNT want to play him yet? OR they just ASSUMED since he was a true freeshman there was no way he'd be better.
He got plenty of reps - just not many with the 1's. Why would people not want JJ to play, and why would they assume that a true freshman couldn't be better than a RS Freshman? Bottom line, obviously the coaches saw the same thing...
This is the BEST stated case Ive seen in this entire POST. JJ should have played in the 3-4th game. He would have probably helped us win 2 more had he done so.
I must say this could be true. Without knowing all other things like " who was tardy" . "who participated better" etc.... ( all hypothetical ) Could be many reasons....... yet you'd have to be blind to think JJ has less poise than Lee. Its really no comparison.
i completely agree. jefferson did an amazing job and i will admit i was nervous about him playing but he pulled it out and i was very proud of him and the team.
got to call you out on this one BRO, by MILES Own admission, JJ was getting LIMITED snaps and REPS early on. So they werent working with him to LEARN the play book. They never considered him to be as good as he is. They ASSUMED and YOU assumed they were right. Miles is good and I love him but he missed the boat on JJ.
You are right of course BUT what I saw isnt in the Win / LOSS column. Re watch the game and listen to what the other players have to say about him. He looked 1000% more poised in his loss agaisnt ARKY than Lee did in his games. The kid has MOXY. He knows where he is on the field. Lee hasnt a clue at times. He looks at more than one reciever. he pump fakes, he runs, he stretches. he is a much better talent than LEE. He has WAY more QB savvy.