It's not completely paid back but I understand interest is included in the deal. AIG is committed to full restitution. What the gov't will do with the money is another question.
It's hard to imagine the government will ever get it's money back from the GM investment. The financial institution investments are getting paid back and should turn a profit for the taxpayers.
I thought GM was turning a profit now, and had already paid back the government. General Motors Paid Back Bailout Loans in Full
From your article..... So they have paid back the "loan", but the stock price has to go up to $54 or so for the gov't to be made whole on the money they invested. That doesn't take into account any interest or gain on their investment if it takes ten years. It also doesn't take into account the fact that they can't just convert their shares to cash when the stock price hits $54. By the way, the stock price is around $32 today. That would be an increase of about 70%. Here's an article breaking it down..... GM Shares Will Likely Never Break Even for Taxpayers | National Legal and Policy Center
Just to clarify, they paid back $6.8 billion, on more than $52 billion given to them. It's just that $6.7 billion was all that was classified as a "loan"... Sure they paid their "loan" back, but the government still owns $46 billion dollars of their ass. Tell ya what, I'm gonna get $1000 from you, but only call $120 of it a loan. When I pay the 120 back, as far as everyone else is concerned, we're straight. However, as far as you are concerned, I either A) owe you 880 bucks, or B) you own 880 bucks worth of my things. Unless you write off the 880 completely, which in that case I'd like to get with you on that $1000 bailout asap..