looks like we have out newest trayvon martin. people seem eager to be very sure about their conclusions. but it seems possible that the reality ranges from best case for black guy: 1. black guy really is an innocent jogger, gets scared by gun wielding hicks, tried to grab their gun and they kill him to worst case for black guy 2. guy is a bad guy criminal likes to run and steal stuff, knew he was caught, so he attacked and a dude and got himself shot. media seems eager to assume number one is true, and even then they wont concede that he attacked an armed man. that seems clear, the he attacked the old man with a shot gun, which is a bad idea. that said, you shouldnt necessarily be aiming shotguns at people (which isnt to say he was aiming it) because they get scared and may attack because they are stupid and scared. people say he runs like a non-jogger, and i know what that means, but i dont see enough of him running to make that call. one thing is sure, left wing politicians will ride this as if trump himself commanded an execution on a handsome innocent man. again, it seemsslightly possible he is mostly innocent. i doubt it though.
the media will never make the point that the black guy, regardless of everything else, should not attack a guy with a shotgun. at no point can the black guy ever be considered for any blame. i dont think white guys should chase black guys around with guns, like we discussed before about the baton rouge guy who got killed last week. maybe just cal the cops and keep an eyeball on the suspect. getting in fights in general seems like a bad idea, especially if anyone is armed.
if i'm jogging down the street and 2 strange dudes in a truck try to stop me and whip out guns i'm thinking survival. And probably not thinking completely straight with some degree of panic. I'm escaping so i don't wake up in a hotel bathtub with a kidney missing or worse. Those 2 guys were dumb as rocks. They didn't plan to kill that guy. But their stupidity caused his death.
lots left to be told of this story. But just looking at the video, manslaughter in the least. People can't kill people for suspected crimes. If I was Ahmaud, regardless if I was breaking and entering in the neighborhood or not, I would be thinking this is my last stand here with these two good ole boys.
of course. wouldnt survival involve putting your hands up or running, not attacking the armed hillbillies?
Those men have a right to be armed regardless. If the black guy attacked them, stupidly, they they have just cause to defend themselves.