Curious I had been thinking about Ray Guy with the way Wing has been punting. Hey Tirk, are you going to put ALL the emblems of the teams that this LSU team conquers this season under your avatar?
Watching today's interview with him. The Aussie accent just seems so bizarre going on in front of the LSU backdrop. LOL, his friends 'back home' think he's playing in the NFL.
Different skillset. Kicking off the ground is a skill that would only rarely be used in Australian Rules and certainly not practiced. Not to say that you couldn't teach Wing how to kick off a tee.
I would think that they have given wing a look to see if he could do just that. The dude can kick the chit out of a ball. Mr. Wing will most likely have a multimillion dollar career kicking in the NFL.
Look at Wings stats for the year so far: 45.0 Avg. 6 punts went for 50 or more yards 3 were fair caught 0 were touch backs 8 were inside the 20 A long of 60 yards I seen him kick in high school, yep he can short punt, hes been known to hit a WR in stride.