I was told that Muncie had to take a class again but it looks like his ACT score was flagged and he had to retake it. He has been cleared by the Clearinghouse and will report in August. I also expect to hear some official news on Ego being cleared any day now.
Gore is cleared Waiting for official word from Ego and Wing. Still looking like Wing will have to go the Prep route.
Did they mention Prep school or that Wing still has a chance to get clear by the fall? What radio show? TIA
Brad Wing may have some hope based on a Tigerbait article. Just a matter of getting the course descriptions of his Australia classes to the Clearinghouse which is in the works.
Wing has been cleared and will report next week. Still waiting for the Clearinghouse to clear Ego and Gore but they have the grades they needed and should be cleared any day now. As for the numbers, I am under the impression that only Washington counted back to last class but some are saying we had 2 spots from the year before last and Adams might have been counted back as well but no confirmation. If both counted back then no one has to greyshirt.