Aaron Hernandez's home searched in possible homicide probe

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by Cajun Sensation, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Not a great year for allowing Welker to fly the choop. Kraft doesn't like to spend money even on proven commodities, even though he says he was offering more then Denver. The "Patriot way" doesn't have much to do with over spending. New England can be thankful that the smartest coach in the NFL is a great equalizer.
  2. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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  3. GregLSU

    GregLSU LSUFANS.com

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Dude is done... exchanging a fat check and pads for prison orange and commissary will be a hard transition.
  4. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    The New England Patriots ended their silence surrounding Aaron Hernandez, officially releasing him from the team less than two hours after he was led from his home in handcuffs .

    USA Today reports Hernandez has just cost the Patriots "up to $37 million" including "a major salary cap hit... a little over $5 million against the 2013 salary cap...and a 7.5 million hit against the 2014 salary cap"

    To top it off, they point out how Hernandez recently said this about Patriots owner Robert Kraft:

    "He changed my life. Now I'm able to basically have a good chance to be set for life, and have a good life," Hernandez told reporters last July.
    "He didn't need to give me the amount that he gave me, and knowing that he thinks I deserve that, he trusts me to make the right decisions, it means a lot. It means he trusts my character, and the person I am, which means a lot, cause my mother, that's how she wanted to raise me. They have to trust you to give you that money. I just feel a lot of respect and I owe it back to him."

    Hernandez is being held without bail. Prosecutors say he "drove the victim to the remote spot, and he then orchestrated his execution. That's what it was," First Assistant District Attorney William McCauley said, adding: "He orchestrated the crime from the beginning and took steps to conceal and destroy evidence."

    Lloyd's bullet-punctured body was found by a jogger June 17 in an industrial park a mile from Hernandez's North Attleborough home. The death was ruled a homicide.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Ya think?

    It couldn't be anyone that thinks Timmaaay should start and Brady should be his "coach" could it?
  6. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Something is broken inside this dude's head. He had it all, yet he goes out and commits one of the sloppiest murders that I've heard of over what seems to be nothing more than a petty quibble. I really just can't wrap my head around it. Maybe he's just really, really stupid. He did go to Florida, after all.
  7. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Speaking of Tebow, he was a really good friend of Hernandez. (Boy Urban knows how to pick em doesn't he) You have an absolute saint in Tebow and a monster in Hernandez. Just reading what we know regarding this case, Hernandez installed a camera system in his own home that caught him in and around the times in question with a friend and guns in hand. The rented car was caught on camera, and the body found within a mile of his home. I can't even begin to fathom how stupid Hernandez is. All because this Loyd guy was talking to some people Hernandez didn't like at a club, he cold bloodedly murders this man. And in his arraignment looks like he doesn't even care.

    What a waste.
  8. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Exactly. CUM should be proud.
  9. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    yeah, but you had to know Hernandez's motives were a lot deeper than that. my first thought was just the fact that he and the victim were in romantic relationships with two girls that were sisters gives you potential for a bunch of drama. then i read a good comment regarding how Hernandez is being linked to a drive-by shooting outside of a nightclub (not to mention the guy in Florida that is saying Hernandez shot him as well after they left a club together)... the victim probably knew of Hernandez's other crimes, and so Hernandez had to be constantly worried about him blackmailing him, or telling the cops, or telling the wrong people... and when it comes to telling the wrong people... what if those people in the club were gangster friends of the other victims Hernandez was involved with, they find out Hernandez is involved in killing their partners, then they are coming after Hernandez. i mean this was a really sloppy murder, Hernandez apparently didn't have a whole lot of time to think this through. on top of that, you saw the texts Hernandez was sending his buddies that night (hurry your ass up, get your ass up here now, etc etc)

    Hernandez grew up in Bristol, Connecticut, and the people he was texting to hurry up were coming up from Connecticut, so it looks like they are old buddies of his that he could trust. they have now arrested both of them... Carlos Ortiz and Ernest Wallace (and Wallace turned himself in Florida, which is the same place that guy is saying Hernandez shot him... and regarding that guy, he was too scared to tell the police who shot him, which makes it sound like he was so scared of the people Hernandez associated with that he didn't even want to tell the police who shot him until well later when he decided to come out with it)

    now they have all this stuff coming out connecting Hernandez to the Bristol Bloods in Bristol, Connecticut (Hernandez's hometown). the picture below is of a 17-year-old Hernandez flashing the sign and wearing the colors of what reports are saying are those of the Bristol (CT) Bloods. the other picture below is a tattoo on Hernandez that says "Blood." there are also reports saying that sources are saying that Hernandez was trying to get away from the gangster life (especially after he had his baby and the Patriots trusted him enough to pay him the 40 million), and those sources were saying that Hernandez believed that not only his enemies in the gangster world, but his own gangster friends would be out to get him for trying to leave the gangster life, especially since nobody is happy when you have a influential millionaire friend that decides he wants to distance himself from you because he's better than you now. not to mention all the negative attention that being a rich celebrity is going to attract from people that want to take advantage of you, your fame, and your assets. i mean there is a reason Hernandez had the 20-something security cameras and all the guns to protect himself. but yeah, last i heard, they had Bristol law enforcement come up to examine Hernandez's tattoos to see if there are any gang tattoos associated with Bristol gangs

    “We’ll be looking at his tattoos to see if there are any symbols that affiliate with gangs,” Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson told the Boston Herald. “We have to always be vigilant around security and not place him somewhere where there are rival gang members.”

    A Los Angeles gang expert told the Boston Herald last night if it’s proven Hernandez does have gang ink, he’s in danger.

    “Hernandez could be a very appealing target for someone who wants to make a reputation for himself,” said Jorja Leap, adjunct professor of social welfare at UCLA, author of a book on her gang work.

    “The sheriff needs to be extra careful with someone like Hernandez.”

    Hernandez is in the jail’s medical unit where he’s undergoing mental and physical testing, as well as a “security screening,” which includes meeting with the jail’s gang intelligence unit.

    so yeah, it'll be interesting too see what comes out as more people start talking. it might come down to the NFL, NBA, etc starting to examine draft picks for gang tattoos before they decide to draft them



  10. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    imagine living on Hernandez's street...





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