The only worry I have is .... how do we prevent libtards from moving from California to Texas with their “Turn Texas Blue” stickers. Maybe I’ll print up some stickers that say “ You ruined California, Don’t Come Here and Ruin Texas” The greatest challenge for Conservative minded people is to counter the never ending drum beat of the MSM. That’s a tall order.
Well said @onceanlsufan We have to carry the conservative gospel out into the rest of the country. Far too long we’ve allowed the liberals to take over schools, press and other key public forums. We have the most positive message possible and need to shout it from the mountain. Be positive not negative. Welcome allies don’t reject them because they’re different in small ways. Remember Ronald Reagan’s big tent that set the stage for the collapse of communism and the prosperity of the next decades. We have the best options...don’t be afraid be confident in what you believe. Let’s make 2020 the next step for changing the tone of this country for the better.