Tpc cancelled. That’s a mf. What sport isn’t a pussy. Whichever doesn’t fold I’m committing to for life just on principle. Even if it's soccer. Cmon XFL. Stay strong.
I had thought the last bulwark standing between us and the descent into a sportsless hell would be sports talk radio. Wrong. Only shows I caught parts of today were Hannigrif and Ott and Jacob Hester. They have nothing to talk about. H&O talked about horse racing. Hester prattled on about the virus and then switched to movies.
Any sport really. Football, Hoops, whatever. The technology exists to electronically paint the stands with virtual spectators and a sound guy could cue in the cheers, the boos, the quiet murmur of crowd response to a good golf shot. The polite applause for a great shot at Wimbledon, From the thrill of victory to the agony of defeat, millions will watch from their couches,
Not my point. Basketball players are physically having contact with each other, and wearing very little. The alternates are sitting side by side sweating on each other. The arena is a small enclosed atmosphere; I get the risks. NASCAR competitors are each in separate cars. The pit crews and even the officials in the pits have no physical contact with each other, and even if they did, their normal uniform is a helmet and a full body suit designed to protect them. The TV personnel are working hundreds, even thousands of yards apart. Hell, the sound of the cars on TV negates the sound of the crowd for most of the race, if the ambience of a responding crowd is important to you. I just don't see how there's much risk to anyone at a NASCAR event if you take spectators out of the equation.