This is fabulous news. If we are lucky we rid the world of a lot of soccer fans and catch quite a few muslim bastards in the wash. A double win as I see it!
I'm sure Baton Rouge has a few OTB's and if they are anything like any OTB I have ever been to Covid-19 is probably the very least of your worries inside there. In fact, one of those old cigar smoking bastards sitting at a table with a bunch of bet sheets, stat books and dirty ashtrays probably has the cure running through his veins.
The good news is I've got the CPF semis and finals DVR'd so I can watch us gut stomp the Okies and bitch slap Clemson as many times as I want, cause those'll never get old.
Yeah both live horse racing and otb are two of the more disappointing sporting related events I’ve experienced. Evangeline and Churchill downs are a bit different.