On the ESPN ticker thing on the bottom of the screen, they have been doing the bowls. Anyways I have been noticing that after the name of the bowl and the teams playing, they show a America's vote and then a confidence points. What does the confidence points mean? :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
When you fill out an online bowl bracket, you not only pick what team you think will win the game, but you also arrange each pick according to how confident you are that the outcome of the game will be as you picked. For instance, I was more confident that Kentucky will beat Florida State than I was that Bama would beat Colorado, so I put the Kentucky vs Florida State game higher on my list to indicate my confidence level. ESPN is just taking a collective percentage of everyones picks.
When it comes right down to it, its just a guessing game really. Doe's it matter? Well, to some it doe's. Not the players. :tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye: