Now if you are smart you would sell tickets to the tf community to cover my travel. Anything left over goes into a pot. Have @tirk run book and we split the proceeds 70/30 to the winner.
Crap, by the time all the hands get their piece of the pie there won't be enough to get a combo meal at McDonalds. At least I'm getting a round of golf out of the deal.
What about first class flights and 4 star hotel? You need an agent. What is Don King doing these days?
Just dropped by to remind you all of this from November. We're starting to see it now. Trump actually said yesterday that no one knew how incredibly complicated healthcare is. What an absolute moron. Of course, most of you think he's doing a great job. Carry on.
It's not that I think he is doing such a great job. It's that the liberal media have banded together to knock him at every turn no matter whether what he said was meaningful or trivial. At least they should hold their tongues unless he really does pull a booboo