Less time for their fans to get worked up. I know it's hard to get fired up when we play at home this early so I'm fine with it.
I'm really surprised that we're the 11 a.m. game, but oh, well. A & M was still fighting for their lives @ 1 in the morning--on a night when they should have had an open date, since La Tech was rescheduled (needlessly) because of Isaac. It should work to our advantage, but my daughter's freakin' ballet class doesn't even end until 11. Crap!
Uh, that's what you got a husband for. Tell that slacka there's nothing wrong with a dad picking up his daughter from ballet. In fact, he should go early and sit-in for a bit then take her shopping after and make an afternoon of it. Course, I'm sure she'll want to go meet mom to cheer for the Tigers with her.