Br traffic was a bitch before the storm and it just got worse. If you know where to go to get out of the traffic, its not bad. But, BR is revitalizing downtown and trying to turn it into a "24 hour" city or some sh** like that. 3rd street is going to get good here in a bit and the skyline will be looking good in a few years after they get those new luxury condos built. Not to mention the other buildings that are proposed for downtown.
Well, it's not the same, but if you go here, and navigate youre way to campus, the landscaping dept. just finished completely modleing the entire campus.
Traffic was bad in BR from 1983-87 when I was there. I have a brother who lives there now and I also travel there on business. I don't percieve the traffic being any worse, but I don't live there. Brother hates the traffice but enjoys living in BR. I live an hour away and miss LSU, I'd pay a million bucks to be back in school there. I still remember when Louie's was on Chimes St. and The Bayou's motto being: "Walk in, crawl out":thumb: Also purchased "tall boy" Schaeffer Lite on Thursdays (or whatever was on sale) at Death Valley Shell. Those were the good old days!
Geez, but this North Texas-living girl is offended by that! Overall, Texas plans out its cities better than Louisiana--that doesn't plan its cities. Austin IS a lot prettier than the other cities in Texas, though.
hmmm........."and they told it to the crowd that it was the lodest tiger stadium had ever been......" hmmmm......... Well, OBVIOUSLY you should have taken a few english preparation courses in high school and your grades might have been a little better. Maybe your parents will spring for a little community college preparation and then you could try again. Hell, eventually you'll be as old as Belushi was when he was living in that frat house and squirting eggs out of his face. He was still in school! There's always hope junior. View attachment 11047