My only usage of the 'ignore' feature and it has made such a difference. Seems like every thread I would click on would devolve into a list of everything bad or about to be bad with LSU football. Life is too short.
I too was a Miles supporter. He was the head coach at LSU and had a long, successful run here. He's a good man. I pulled for him until the very end, and it was time for him to go. He didn't adapt with the times. But for anyone to discredit the coach of the 2007 and 2011 LSU Tigers would be ridiculous. Those 2 teams were awesome. I was hoping we'd hire a proven, guaranteed winner (pipe dream) like everyone else. I was expecting Alleva to back up the Brinks truck and pay some crazy amount to a big name coach. I mean, we had a 9 win coach that we let go because 8-5, 9-3 and 2-2 isn't good enough anymore. Low and behold, Coach O did a solid as the interim HC last year. So Alleva hired him after his plan A and B fell through. I like Coach O. I can see the fire in his eyes and I know he wants to win championships here. I hope he is able to put it all together here and get us back into contention.... but that doesn't mean he'll get the job done. Coach O will have my full support and hopes until I am sure he's not going to cut it, or until he's no longer our HC. And I'll support our next head coach. And probably the one after that, too.
We live in a time of absolutes. Fans are so crazy critical of players and coaches these days, that it really drives me crazy. I've coached 13 little league boys baseball teams as both Head Coach and assistant coach, regular season, fall ball and All Stars. Winning isn't easy. It takes a tremendous amount of work and the right ingredients and sometimes a little bit of luck. And the higher up you go on the competition ladder, the smaller the margin for error becomes. But a lot of people these days have no filter with what they say, and no clue what it's like to coach anything....