I’ve only blocked one poster in all my time here, guess who it was? (I was here a while before my current moniker) You have to be really unreasonable for me to ignore you because I usually just skip thru the stuff I don’t want to read or think is not a contribution to the discussion. It’s has to be really bad for me to not even want to see it! Opinions don’t deserve personal attacks and there are some on here who revert to name calling if you see it differently or disagree. I’m glad you’re on it @shane0911. Great post @LSUDieHard & @Herb
Not just him, I don't like the guy but I'm not going to single him out. Of course he will see it that way but it's not the case. Someone has to clean this joint up, guess it's gonna be me.
The only one I've ever blocked was LSUtiga. It was by accident. I kept seeing his posts quoted but never saw his posts until I discovered he was blocked and set him free.