Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin This will be my last post in FSA during this election. Further rants will serve no purpose, so I will just get it all out now. I say bring it. People almost always get what they deserve. The republicans have done a poor job by turning their back on their roots. It has been illustrated here quite well. The electorate is voting for any kind of change at all, without looking at what they are getting. They moronically lay the current housing crisis at the feet of the president, as they did the blame for gas prices. Nobody ever blames the morlocks, aka congress, because they just roll right along under the radar, and do anything they damn well please. Case in point, Mahoney in Florida won his seat by standing for "family values" over a sick republican pedophile. It now turns out he cheated on his wife, and may have used campaign $ to shut his mistress up. But no big deal, he merely claims he ran on a platform of "family values", not being perfect. And he will be re-elected. Pelosi refuses to allow an up or down vote on offshore drilling this summer when oil was at $145/barrel, and the citizens were getting crushed by gas prices. Her excuse? We have got to save the planet! By letting China, South America, and Africa do the polluting, but not us! Under pressure from a public backlash, and Obama changing his stance without consulting her, she passes a bill for offshore drilling, and lets the people know she is saving them from Bush's failed energy plan. What she doesn't tell you is she won't allow the states to have any revenue from rigs off their shores, and she won't allow drilling close enough to the coast where the friggin oil actually is! She passed a bill that allows nothing, and still takes credit. Dodd complains about lack of finance reform and he is the Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee! Frank does nothing about Freddie and Fannie(except take $, and screw an exec from there), and he is the Chairman of the House committee on Financial Services. He told everyone a month before they folded, that Fannie and Freddie were fine! How is that investment workin out for you guys? And anyone that responds with "republican deregulation" can blow it out their butts. The republicans are the only ones who tried to reign in these agencies over the last two decades. Even Bubba has gone on record saying that the dems on these two committees are to blame for this lack of regulation. Proposed bills are easy to find, as is Clinton's interview on youtube. Look it up yourself or proclaim it non-existent, I could not care less. And don't forget the mutt Harry Reid. "We have lost the war". Way to go buddy, you whiny hack. I hope for his sake, he never visits the middle east. History will not be kind, but apparently the public is dumb enough to ignore him. So be it. These are the lunatics that are running the show now. Voting for president isn't about McCain or Obama, as neither man is likely to accomplish 1/2 of what they claim, and even less with the current economic crisis. It is about congress - the silent, invisible man. The one that actually makes all the laws that govern your life. And to everyone that comes back with the childish argument of "the repubs had their chance, let the dems have theirs". You deserve everything that happens to you over the next few years. Go ahead, stick your head in the sand and tell yourself it will be like it was in the golden age of Bill(republican congress), when Bill was forced to rule as a moderate. Or Kennedy(democratic congress), when Jack actually chose to rule economically as a moderate. Newsflash - Obama is not a moderate. Not in any way, shape, form or fashion. And neither is this congress. If the electorate is clueless enough to turn the entire country over to a majority ruled liberal agenda, then the country will get just what it deserves. I personally hope they burn the whole thing down as quickly as possible, and maybe this childish experiment of "spreading the wealth" can die a horrible death. You just thought you had complaints about a reckless repub govt. Part II, starring the dems will take your breathe away.
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin It appears I have a supporter for my "angry mob with pitchforks and torches" scenario! Takes two to start an army. Great post, Mister The Dude!
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin If you think Bush raised spending, wait til Obama gets in there. His economic plan calls for 1.3 trillion dollars in spending. let me repeat, 1.3 trillion dollars. I think its funny how Obama blasts Bush for raising the deficit. That's like if Spurrier blasts Miles for running up the score tonight! lol
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin You are right. It is precisely the fact that the Republicans under Bush got away from conservative economic policy that lead us into the economic downturn we are now suffering through. Encouraging people to buy homes they could not afford, pressuring the banks to approve those loans, and the failure of Bush and the Republicans to halt the free-spending ways of congress (Republican or Democrate) is not conservative economics. Does anyone really think Obama is going to restore conservative economics to the White House and Congress? No. He's going to do what liberal Democrates have always done: increase social spending and raise taxes to pay for it. We are not in the fix we now find ourselves because of conservative economic policy; we are in our present fix because we abandoned it.
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin Sorry, but this started in the Clinton administration, not Bush. Bush is just taking the blame for it.
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin Bush is just as guilty. He spends and spends and spends.
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin The sooner Republicans stop defending everything and anyone that happens to have an "R" behind their name and starts calling a spade a spade the soon the party and the country can get back to the type of government our founders intended.
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin I wasn't talking about spending, i know Bush spends. But the beginning of the downfall of our economy started with Bill Clinton. This crap with banks giving out loans that people couldn't afford was driven by the dems. But yet, Bush is to blame? And why has the "do nothing" congress not done anything about it the last two years?
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin I am a Republican and I am telling you Bush cannot shirk his responsiblility in this. Yes, it started under Clinton, but what did Bush do to stop it? And he never vetoed a single spending bill. But my purpose was not to point fingers, but to merely state that we are in the economic pickle we are in because we abandoned conservative economic principles.
Re: A glimpse into an Obama victory and Liberal control of the 3 branches. Frightenin Yeah, it won't be pretty for you. Just join Sourdough on the sidelines. I don't think so. People are looking very carefully. Most are just not afraid of change like you seem to be. The Republicans have dug us into a hole. They are utterly incapable of digging us out and want to dig us deeper instead. The electorate isn't having it. Electing Democrats will not solve all of our problems, but electing more of the same will get us more of the same. Is this not clear to everybody? We have to go left to get back to the middle. It will then be up to us to see that it doesn't swing so far left that we are presented with radical ideologues again, instead of moderate pragmatists. It's not a black and white world, there are shades of gray to be sought here.