This is so obviously out-of-balance. How can the zen-loving Asians live with the shame of not finding a proper equilibrium. They must be aware of the unhealthy flip side of that rigid education, why are they so obsessed with it? A visiting Chinese professor once told me that China has made huge advances in the last 40 years and is generating a generation of highly educated and capable scientists, technicians, engineers, and academicians. They are rebuilding the infrastructure of China and establishing a modern industrial economy. So why are our universities filled with Chinese scholars, many of whom never go home? "Because everything new comes from America." The Asians have technology and mathematics down pat. They yearn to understand American innovation, productivity, imagination, and flexibility and it does not come easy for them. They are hard-wired for work ethic, but audacity, non-conformity, and intrepidity are sometimes alien virtues to them.
Just that fat lesbian bitch but she is probably Korean. The typical fat Asians. But yeah we are the innovators. The Chinese still steal our ideas and simply copy them mostly.
I bought a fake rolex in NY once. Wasnt the worst watch but never wore it. That cho chick. Not funny.
She's a switch-hitter, doubles her chances of a date on Saturday night. She's done some funny bits, though.
I didn't buy those shitty ones. Last I saw she was full blown opposite sex hating. She looked bad der. Worse.
1) I didn't say MY taxes were low. I said taxes were low meaning ALL taxes as a whole. 2) I don't think it. I know it. Math doesn't have an opinion. The number is either bigger or smaller than the previous number and right now it's not just lower, but ridiculously lower. You can tax me at a higher rate, but that's won't help the country. I don't make enough to matter and taking money from my hands just takes money out of the economy.