because they follow sports. nothing they do will help nit ratings and they know this. and eventually you will too.
Having the number 1 draft pick in it will help ratings. It's not going to give them NFL game ratings but it will definitely boost them.
not enough to matter. even the finals probably pull in a point something. not even a 1. this is consolation shit espn puts in as filler programming like an infomercial.
the loss really hurt us i think. have to win at ut sat. no way we beat the cats at rupp on senior day
Last night's loss makes the road game at Arkansas a lot more important now. 3-2 might keep them on the slippery edge of the now very soapy bubble.
I think so as well. Lundardi, who is using the BPI as his "bible," has an interesting take right now. He has Texas Tech last four in with an RPI of 27. He has LSU ahead of them with an RPI of 82. Texas Tech has 5 top 50 wins, LSU has 3. If you start looking at top 50 wins or their "bad losses" metric it's confusing. For the NCAA ... NIT ...
Lunardi has been high on LSU all along. Wednesday's loss dropped LSU from a 7 seed to an 11, but still solidly IN. CBS's Jerry Palm conversely, has been down on LSU all year. He currently has LSU OUT of the tournament, and doesn't even list LSU in his "last four out".
None, but they still want people to watch the regular season games left that will all be televised on some ESPN channel. None. When was the last time you watched any NIT game that LSU wasn't playing in? Would you watch the NIT to see Ben if he was playing for another team?