I know you hate when I harp on Lee, but before he threw that INT at the end of the first half, we had all the momentum in the world, and then we lost it. After the pick, everything went flat, and there was no momentum coming back for the crowd or for the team in the second half.
Great opportunity lost at that point, where we could have taken the lead. Why the need to throw a pass there, when we had just made a first down and were successful running the ball...? :geauxtige
the guy was OPEN. That play should have worked beautifully. Lee sailed it high. Don't blame the playcalling on that one, because the play was a good one. As far aas leaving early, I have only left early twice (and one of those, I was under 10 years old and had no choice). That year Maimi kicked the sh!t outta us in the monsoon/tropical storm. My dad packed us up and took us home before that one was over. And then for App. State this year. I had both of my young sons with me, had just evacuated for Gustav (as in packed my chit for evacuation and drove to stadium), and it was miserably hot in the stands. We were up by an @$$load, and both my kids were drenched, hot, and whiny.
I'll bet a lot of those have never been through a season where LSU wasn't in the NC hunt. Anyway, I look forward to the rest of the season and another shot at double digit wins and a decent bowl game. When the season is over we'll miss it. When I'm playing golf and having a miserable round, I always think "if I wasn't golfing I'd be home wishing I was". Life and football seasons are short. Have some fun.
I hate to say it, but I was one of the ones who got up and left. I had a four and half hour drive home ahead of me. My cousin, who I stay with in Lafayette, was not home for the weekend. So, I had to drive home after the game. I also promised my six year old daughter I would be home for church. I figured I can listen to the game on the radio as I drive. I'm there to the end every game. I would have left early last night, even if we were winning. Being that far behind in the score, made it a little easier to leave.:geaux:
We had 30 recruits at the game. How much did an empty stadium impress those guys? If your schedule is too busy to stay for the whole game, then sell your tickets to a Tiger Fan who is going to stay. Just my opinion.