I just ran across Ofc. Gerald's wife's Facebook page. Now, I'm sitting here crying. Her newsfeed was of a wife, mom, and teacher living a normal life--until this morning. From this moment on, normal will have to be redefined for her.
Shepard Smith lectures Bobby Jindal not once, but twice, on the insensitivity of saying all lives matter. http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/07...ter-ambush-has-people-calling-fox-news-366534
The world has gone to hell when a hotty toddy pole smoker from Ole Piss can tell anybody that their lives don't matter unless they are black
There are two possible responses by the police, stay out off black neighborhoods or go in harder. Either way it's bad for the black communities.
That's just the way it works. People are much more fascinated by bad guys than with ordinary, colorless good guys. The pathology of what makes the bad guy do what he did is what holds our attention while the good guys are just the bit players. If you want to be remembered more than the guy who shoots you you should work on getting yourself famous. Everybody remembers John Lennon more than they remember Mark David Chapman. Martin Luther King - James Earl Ray. Ronald Reagan - John Hinckley. Abraham Lincoln - John Wilkes Boothe. @LaSalleAve - Crazy black pot dealer.
Smith is an idiot!! Race baiting to keep the division between people so they can make $$$$. These organizations that promote one person over another is the catalyst which keeps the violence alive.
So is Jindal. Either that or he intentionally ran Louisiana into the ground. A real piece of shit we had there. Seems like the common thread for political leaders these days.
I agree Jindal did not help us at all, but his comment was correct and Smith showed his true intentions.
I thought I was hearing it backwards during the interview. Shepard smith has lost his gd mind. The mind of a liberal is one backwards ass place.