The dickbag in the white house is speaking now. There is absolutely ZERO sincerity in his tone- ZERO.
what a fucking hypocrite. so he was talking about himself yet probably didnt know it. too late mf. you cant un-ring that bell. you gotta live with the bodies of many honorable men on your resume'. who am i kidding, hes probably already at the golf course.
I almost stated that he ran through his teleprompter like he was in a hurry to make a T time. Not sure if you caught the Sterling statement. Props to the Sterling family for taking a more meaningful position than the person supposed to be leading our Country.
Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel [VIDEO] CHUCK ROSS Reporter Baton Rouge shooter Gavin Eugene Long. (Youtube screen grab) A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long and discovered by The Daily Caller reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday morning. Videos on Long’s account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member. He also railed against “crackers” and made references to Alton Sterling, the black man killed by police in Baton Rouge on July 5. Other information about Long shows that the Kansas City native, who CBS reported was honorably discharged from the Marines in 2010, went by the name Cosmo Ausar Setepenra. In one video filmed from Houston and posted to Long’s Youtube account on July 12, Long discusses being in the Marines and reaching the rank of E-5. Long, who was reportedly carrying a rifle and wearing all-black attire when he confronted police, posted several videos within recent weeks discussing various police-involved shootings, including the July 5 shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge. “If I would have been there with Alton — clap,” Long says in a video posted on July 14. In the video, Long met with several men he seemed to not have known prior to their encounter. He promotes a book he wrote and discusses black liberation ideology. “I wrote it for my dark-skinned brothers,” Long said of his book. “If you look at all the rebels like Black Panthers, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X…Elijah Muhammad, they was light-skinned. But we know how hard y’all got it.” Phone numbers on buildings in the video show that it was filmed in Baton Rouge. “I just got here I’m not really into the protesting. I do education because that’s our real freedom,” he is heard telling two men in the video. He called protesting “emotional” and “for the women.” In the video Long is heard lamented “working for the white people.” He encouraged a man he had just met to shop at black-owned businesses. He brought up a hypothetical scenario in which a family member who wanted to buy carpet was forced to buy from non-black business owners. “Who’s she going to fuck with? The cracker, the Arab, the Chinese,” Long says in the video. “These Arabs, these Indians, they don’t give two fucks about us.” Law enforcement officials said Sunday that the shooting does not appear to have been race-related. At least one of the officers killed in the attack was black. Long also appears to have been in Dallas in the days after Micah X. Johnson killed five police officers during protests there earlier this month. “If I’m peaceful protesting…I know they would try to arrest me, and I would die right there because you’re not going to kidnap me. I know my rights, but I stand on my rights. That’s what separates me, that’s why they’re afraid of me,” he says in the video. In other videos Long analyzes the video of Sandra Bland being arrested by a Texas highway patrolman last year. Bland died in a Waller County jail cell after hanging herself. Another video links to a man named Myron May discussing a conspiracy theory called gang-stalking. Internet postings show that he believed he was a victim of gang-stalking. People who believe they are victims of gang-stalking — they call themselves “targeted individuals” — believe that groups of government agents are tracking them at all times and attempting to manipulate their actions. In Nov. 2014 May shot three people at the Florida State University library before being fatally shot by police. It was later revealed that May, who was black, believed that he was being stalked by government agents. In one Internet posting discussing gang-stalking, Long offered what he said were solutions for people who believed they were victims of gangstalking. He wrote: Lets all start: 1. Wearing Body Camera’s 2. Before you move into neighborhood, put every house on notice to what gang stalking is with link’s to websites & videos & program names. And Let them know your situation, standing & your philosophy on life 3. Start telling the companies’s, worker’s, & managers & owners that we are going to expose your involvement and rate your poor performances & games on the internet on sites like Yelp, Google Map’s & the Yellow Pages etc. as horrible service & accessories to Gang Stalking. (Not only will this spread the word to others who view the businesses, but will inform fellow T.I.s as well) Long, who operated a website called “Convos with Cosmo,” also appears to have tweeted hours before the attack unfolded. In one video posted in recent weeks, Long left a cryptic message that may have foretold Sunday’s attack. “I thought my own thoughts. I made my own decisions. I’m the one who’s got to listen the judgement. That’s it. And my heart is pure,” he said, adding that he wasn’t affiliated with any groups. “If anything happens with me, because I’m an alpha male, I stand up, I stand firm, I stand for mine, until the end,” he said. “Yeah, I also was a Nation of Islam member. Don’t affiliate me with it. Don’t affiliate me with anything.” Read more: apparently a different black guy than the one we posted previously.