You can look at the glass half full or you can look at the glass half empty. You can spend the entire off season singing gloom and doom or you can be a sunshine pumper. Then of course there is the option of looking for the solutions. I will choose to support the Tigers and CLM in their effort to look for the solutions. I am not ready to think that this group of players that will be on the team next season, nor this group of coaches isn't talented enough to bring us back to where we belong. If I am wrong then I will be one of the first in line to be demanding changes. Until then I'm not going to spend the next 8 months thinking there is no chance for us to return to glory. If you choose to do that then why even bother with next season, you already have decided the outcome.
1/3...Offensive improves, Defense continues to improve, but Spec teams blow and we miss FG's, our punts are blocked, and we fumble kick returns and punt returns. Given our luck I think this is more likely:grin: