We have a beautiful drive, score, and I say, "We're going to beat these mutha fuckers" then an ONSIDE KICK in the 3rd? Les, we're beating these cock suckas but you keep letting them back in. Man our Oline is gashing some holes. They are looking supurb. Let's hope we cash in on this turnover. We're playing like we have not all year. We're strectching them. Bama's never gone this distance. Right now, I feel a win coming.
Terrible decision not bc it didn't work but,like you said. This game was ours. We had momentum. Getting push up front. Controlling ball and time. You only do this if you ate inferior or a weaker opponent and need practice. The fake fg with defense in fg safe like everyone runs against us is so bad. Even in hs they call it off. Wtf. Poor poor coaching. I said this a long time prior to this game. The offensive coaching has no feel for the game. This was blatantly obvious tonight. It cost us big time.
Because I'm the leader of this Motley Crue mother effer, just deal with it. As to the OP, this is a prime example of why all you dumb asses who think LEM is the best damn thing since sliced bread are just stupid. Miles is in so far over his head it isn't even funny anymore yet you fools will still defend him with smoke and mirrors and never really see that it is all in spite of him. Sad. smh
82 percent wins in 8 years and he is in over his head, if you are looking for stupid go look for a mirror.