some here may like you but I think you are a piece of residue from the bathroom That has nothing to do with the game. you have a great team. But bama will always have ignorant fans like you. That doesn't change when you win. you cant be happy you won but come here to make an ass out of yourself. I cant say im surprised because people can see your kind from a mile away. Our day will come and I wont be nice then either.But I would bet a coward like you wont show up then. Better enjoy sabans company while you can before he finds another toothless guy that's better or moves to Cleveland near where he grew up.. enjoy your victory and hope your team doesn't have a letdown. ill still be pulling against them every game they play.
Rise up! The game is no reflection on Tiger fandom. The sun is coming up tomorrow and it's on to the next game. Trust....I know how you feel. Just reaching out a hand.
Was wondering what kind of response he would cook up to justify his love for Ensminger. How did we end up with bizzaro taint?
My kid is balling right now because he has never seen us beat those sorry bastards. The struggle is real.