So if 30 Tigers have been exposed we can expect the rest to be in a short time. In fact it could be better if they were. First they’re young and healthy so 99.99% will have mild symptoms at worst. After everyone is exposed and has antibodies they’re good in every respect. They can’t get it and they can’t give it. By August it should be over. However what about the fans in the stadium and on campus tailgating? Many are in the prime target zone for the virus; either old, fat or in poor health. They won’t get it from the players but other fans. The liability for holding games with full attendance could be significant to LSU or any other school. Again how can they hold a game with 100,000 in the stands and another 100,000 on campus? How does anyone control that? Who has to give up their tickets for the UT, Auburn or other games so they can socially distance? It could be a cluster. Will the play in empty stadiums?
The young healthy people is exactly who you want to catch this damn thing. Every odys hung up on the case count we should be worried about how many people have had it and how many get sick.
Immunity doesn't last long, we will be getting better numbers on it as people get it for a second time. Read 2-3 months is the guesstimate atm. And if it mutates its a whole new ball game. Let's hope very few actually end up with the virus